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In UNIX systems, there are certain configuration files that get executed every time you login. If you are using the Bash shell (default), you have a file called .bash_profile which is processed when you log in. In order to make the FMRI toolset available to you on Hoffman2 and so you can work well with others, we recommend that you follow the instructions in the Basics section. Read Extras for some bells and whistles.


You account has one last thing that needs to be edited before being usable.

  1. SSH into Hoffman2
  2. Use your favorite text editor to edit the file ~/.bash_profile
    • $ vim ~/.bash_profile
    • $ emacs ~/.bash_profile
    • $ nedit ~/.bash_profile
  3. Insert these lines at the bottom of the file
    • source /u/home/FMRI/apps/etc/profile
      umask 007
    • Type G - capital G - to go to the end of the file
    • Type A - capital A - to go to the end of the line and enter insert mode
    • Type ENTER - to insert a newline
    • Type or paste in the specified lines.
    • Use the arrow keys to scroll the cursor down to the bottom of the document and add a newline.
    • Type or paste in the specified lines.
    • Use the arrow keys to scroll the cursor down to the bottom of the document and add a newline.
    • Type or paste in the specified lines.
  4. Save the file
    • ESC + ":wq" + ENTER
    Emacs command line
    • CTRL+x, CTRL+c
    Emacs GUI
    • CTRL+x, CTRL+c, y
    • or use the menu system
    • Use the menu.
  5. Log out of Hoffman2 and the next time you log in, everything will be set for you to start working.


For those that care, what you are doing is asking the computer to execute the file


every time you login. This file modifies your PATH variable so you have access to the FMRI toolset.

The last line

umask 007

makes it so that any files you create will have a default permission of about 770 so that other people in your group have write permissions.


You can change the content and color of your command prompt by editing your bash_profile. There is a great explanation of how to do this here.

Some of the content you can include in the command prompt:

Current time
You can format this however you want. This helps when looking back through your Terminal to find when you made certain changes to files.
Current working directory
So you always know where you are in a filesystem and don't need to constantly retype pwd.
Who you are. Helpful if you are logged into multiple servers under multiple accounts and need help keeping track.
The name of the computer you are logged into. This also helps you know where you are at all times.


Line to add to your bash profile

export PS1="\[\e[0;31m\]\h\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\w\n\[\e[1;37m\]\D{%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S} \[\e[22;32m\]\u\$ "


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