Hoffman2:Getting an Account

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Requesting Hoffman2 Account

What You Need

A UCLA BOL account, available for free to any UCLA staff, student, or faculty member. If you do not have a BOL account, head to the UCLA Logon services page. Click on "Create UCLA Logon ID".

Applying for the Account

ATTENTION: If you are a member of another lab or are a PI interested, please see the section
 Becoming a Faculty Sponsor below.
  1. Navigate to the Account Applications page.
  2. Read over the application summary
  3. Click "New User Registration"
  4. Authenticate using your UCLA BOL credentials
  5. Fill out the form with appropriate information. For Hoffman2, your Faculty Sponsor should be Mark Cohen, Alison Burggren (for Susan Bookheimer's lab), or your respective PI if they are a Faculty Sponsor on Hoffman.
Proposed UserName
This will be the username you use to sign into the cluster with.
Select a Resource
For the Mark Cohen/Susan Bookheimer labs, choose "Hoffman2". However, you can request access to any cluster that is a member of the Grid Portal.

Click Submit. You will receive an email with a link to a temporary password. PLEASE WRITE IT DOWN. The link expires after 72 hours. If you missed the link or it expired, go back to the Application Page and click Forgot Your Cluster Password? It will take about a day for the cluster to resend you a new password.

You can change your password once you've logged in by using passwd.

Becoming A Faculty Sponsor

If you are a PI or Lab Manager interested in the Hoffman2 Cluster, you will want to create a Faculty Sponsor account first. Also, if you are a member of another lab collaborating with the Cohen or Bookheimer labs, you may want to forward this information to your PI or Lab Manager. Faculty Sponsors can approve (or deny) applications for membership to their group. They also receive a group folder and a unique group id so their users can work and share data easily with each other.

  1. Navigate to the Account Applications page.
  2. Read over the application summary
  3. Click "Request to become faculty sponsor" (On the Bottom)
  4. Fill out the form with appropriate information.

Under 'Reason', about any generic reason is appropriate for faculty members. For example, "To perform fMRI analysis." will likely suffice.

External Links