Hoffman2:Batch Mode

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To use a batch job, you need to create a batch file with bash or tcsh. This find should have three parts:

Part 1: List all the resource you want to reserve for your job

Part 2: Load your modules, export the Unix environment that needed for your script to run

Part 3: Call your job script

Here are some batch file templates you can start with

Job Submission Templates

Please use these job submission template scripts to simplify job submission.

What's in the Part 1

The first part of the batch file should let the job scheduler know how much resource you want to reserve for your job

#$ -cwd
# error = Merged with joblog
#$ -o joblog.$JOB_ID
#$ -j y
#$ -pe shared 2
#$ -l h_rt=8:00:00,h_data=4G
# Email address to notify
#$ -M $USER@mail
# Notify when
#$ -m bea

Merge error log with joblog

# error = Merged with joblog