Hoffman2:Accessing the Cluster

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Here are some of our favorite ways to access the Hoffman2 Cluster login nodes.

SSH - Command Line

SSH stands for Secure Shell and is a method of remotely logging into a computer using an encrypted connection. It is a command line tool and is available on most *nix-based operating systems with ports available for Windows.


Simple SSH

Use the ssh command from a terminal:

ssh login_id@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu

where login_id is replaced by your cluster user name.

GUI-Enabled SSH [Recommended]

Macs (post - Snow Leopard 10.6.x) no longer come with a X Window System Server pre-installed.

Before doing the following steps, please install XQuartz and restart your computer. For more information about XQuartz, read here.

      • WARNING*** MacOSX10 Yosemite needs to add "export Display=:0.0" to the local user Profile in order for it to work.
  1. Open up X11/XQuartz or Terminal. Both are under Applications > Utilities on Macs.
  2. Type the command
    $ ssh -X [USERNAME]@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu
    filling in your Hoffman2 username.
    The -X is for X11 Forwarding so that any graphics that are rendered on Hoffman2 get forwarded to the screen of your computer.
  3. Press enter and type in your password when it asks for it. No characters or asterisks will show up while you type.
  4. Provided your typing was good, you will be greeted by the Hoffman2 login message and have successfully SSH into a login node.


  1. Go here and follow the instructions under Windows. We recommend PuTTY or Cgywin.
(If you use putty, please install [ xming http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/ ] for GUI access.
  1. Once you have that setup, the process is the same as if you were on a Mac or Linux/Unix machine

NX Client - GUI

The NX Client program allows you to set up a Virtual Network Computing (VNC)-like session with Hoffman2. This session will keep running even if your Internet connection drops in and out (much like screen on the command line).

Hoffman2 NX Client documentation

If you are unable to open Firefox ("Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."), deleting ~/.mozilla might fix the problem. Be warned: this will erase your profile, including bookmarks, history, saved passwords, etc! For instructions on backing up and restoring profile information, see Mozilla Support. Make sure to perform these actions within No Machine, and not on your local system.

Change Passwords

Once you've logged on and made sure its works, you can change your password to something more rememberable To change passwords, logon and type:


It should ask you for your old password and then new ones.

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