Staglin MR Suite

From Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
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General Policies

All policies of the Staglin One Mind CCN aim to ensure participant and experimenter safety and to foster a community of respect, consideration and co-operation. If not followed, the Staglin One Mind CCN reserves the right to review and possibly revoke scanning privileges.

  • Safety and Certification: For the safety of both the participants and the investigators, all scans must have two MR-safety certified investigators in the facility for the entire duration of the scan. In case this cannot be assured, please make arrangements with one of our MR Technicians to provide support. MR Technicians are not required to be on premises during all scans, and cannot be assumed to provide back up support without prior notice. Please take a look at our safety site for resources and information. Please note that CCN safety certificaiton is done remotely. Follow instructions on enrolling in the Staglin Safety Course on CCLE to start the safety certification process. All links and resources necessary can be found on the CCLE Course. Please only email MR Tech if you are experiencing trouble enrolling in CCLE course, or you have questions with the materials.
  • Infection Control: Current guidance for infection control policies can be found here.
  • Operations Training: The MR Technician offers a bi-monthy (every other) review/training to familiarize individuals with operations in the MR suite. Additional training opportunities with more experienced users will be arranged as appropriate.
  • Incident Reporting: Users are responsible for communicating with CCN staff any equipment malfunction or software irregularities that occur during the course of the scan session. This may include scanner error messages which do not allow users to continue with their session, the breaking or malfunction of peripheral equipment etc. Emergency incidents, such as injuries, natural disasters or magnet quench, should be relayed to the MR Tech immediately and CCN's Incident Reporting Form should be filled out in a timely manner.
  • Scan Time: All scans are expected to start and end promptly at the scheduled time. It is the investigators’ responsibility to communicate with the CCN staff and/or other investigators if these times can’t be met. Please note that CCN and/or other investigators may not be able to accommodate requests for change of scheduled time when these are communicated less than 24 hrs prior to the appointment.
  • Cancellations: Scans must be cancelled >24hrs prior to avoid scan charge. Scans cancelled within <24hrs of the scheduled appointment may be charged the full scan fee, please fill out this scan cancellation form in order to inform CCN Tech of issues leading to cancellation. Each funded project has 2 free cancellations assigned at its start and accrues another free cancellation after every completed 10 scans.
  • Scheduling: The center does not mandate a strict limit on when scans can be booked relative to the scanning date. However, to foster co-operation and consideration within the community, booked scan times are assumed to be filled (assigned a participant) promptly and booked on an as needed basis. Scans that are booked in advanced, above and beyond the current scheduling norms, will be reviewed by the CCN staff and potentially canceled. Investigators whose experimental needs do not fit these guidelines are encouraged to contact our MR Technician to make other arrangements.
  • Data Transfer: All f/MRI data are transferred automatically to a dedicated server. In cases where data must be transferred manually from any of the computers in the MR suite, please notify the MR Technician to make arrangements. No external storage devices (flash drives, hard disks, etc.) are to be connected to the scanner without prior approval. If data is not visable in the DICOM server 24 hours after acquisition, please contact MR Technician immediately to resolve. Due to high scan load, only 3 days of scan data can be guaranteed to be kept on the host machine at any given time. It is not CCN's responisibility to check that data has transferred to data server without issue.
  • MR Suite: It is the responsibility of all experimenters to maintain the facility in a clean and orderly state. This includes all surfaces, linens, cabling, computing and other equipment in both the MR room and the scanner operator room of the MR suite.
  • Protocol Testing: Each new protocol will be granted off-hours time to test and refine the scanning protocol, at no charge. All such scans must be booked directly through the MR Technician.
  • Pilot Program: The Center will consider proposals by members of the UCLA community to access both the scanning and analysis core services for pilot studies without charge to the investigator. Priority will be given to junior investigators and to proposals for novel cognitive neuroscience projects that have a high likelihood of achieving extramural funding. To submit such a request, submit the completed application to the CCN Managing Director.
  • Visitors: As per Staglin One Mind CCN safety protocol, visitors are not allowed in the MR suite without prior approval, only MR-safety certified individuals are allowed in the suite. Please contact our MR Technicians to arrange a visit for a group or individual.
  • Volunteers: All volunteers who would like to join a lab and gain valuable reserach experience at the Staglin Center are reqiured to undergo the full on-boarding process with the UCLA Health Sciences Volunteer Program. Please read through the Staglin Volunteer Addendum for duties and responsibilities. Please understand that volunteers are not allowed to operate equipment without supervision of a user who is full-time staff, graduate student or faculty.
  • Phlebotomy: CCN has gone through the necessary review and approval to open C7-439C (EEG Prep Room) to its users as a make-shift blood collection site. Strict adherence to guidelines must be followed. Please see Blood Collection SOP for details.
  • MR Technician Services: The Staglin One Mind MR technicians maintain the MR facility and are available to support experimenters in all aspects of MR imaging, including assisting during scanning. If in need of support during scanning, experimenters must contact the technicians well in advance of the scheduled scan.

Facilities & Equipment

Scanning Facilities

The Staglin IMHRO Center for Cognitive Neuroscience operates a Siemens 3 Tesla Prisma Fit MRI Scanner equipped with 20, 32, and 64 channel head coils.

  • Sequences: Standout sequences include full CMRR multi band package, Siemens simultaneous multi slice with physio logging, 3D multi-delay pCASL, T1 and T2 structural with navigator technology, multi shell, multi band diffusion, MEGAPRESS and HERMES multi voxel spectroscopy.

Peripheral Equipement

Peripheral equipment available for projects include:

  • Siemens intercom system
  • Siemens physiological measurement system
    • Includes pulse, respiration, and EKG
  • VisuaStim digital system by RTC
    • Includes goggles/headphone/controller unit
  • Optoacoustics noise-canceling headphones
  • BOLDscreen 24" LCD Display
    • LCD projection system controlled via fiberoptic cabling
    • Operation and Troubleshooting Guide In-Progress
  • 4-button, 2-button, and track-ball response devices by Current Designs
    • Operation and Troubleshooting Guide In-Progress
  • BIOPAC MP150
    • For collecting physiological measures
    • Includes skin conductance, respiration rate, and pulse rate/waveform

Quality Control

Staglin runs a daily stability check via the Siemens Service Platform to check signal intensity and drift. A weekly QA protocol and a more in-depth monthly routine is also acquired for advanced analysis.

Multimodal Data Collection

Dedicated iMac Computer

The MR suite is equipped with a dedicated iMac computer running Mac OS Sierra with a dual-boot Windows 10 partition capable of running:

  • Psychophysics Software:
    • Psychtoolbox,
    • PsychoPy,
    • E-Prime,
  • MATLAB 2015b
  • AcqKnowledge 4 (for BioPac MP150)

For new software, please contact the MR Technician before installation.

MR Suite Supplies

Where to order supplies