Hoffman2:Batch Mode
To use a batch job, you need to create a batch file with bash or tcsh. This find should have three parts:
Part 1: List all the resource you want to reserve for your job
Part 2: Load your modules, export the Unix environment that needed for your script to run
Part 3: Call your job script
Here are some batch file templates you can start with
Job Submission Templates
Please use these job submission template scripts to simplify job submission.
What's in the Part 1
The first part of the batch file should let the job scheduler know how much resource you want to reserve for your job
#!/bin/bash #$ -cwd # error = Merged with joblog #$ -o joblog.$JOB_ID #$ -j y #$ -pe shared 2 #$ -l h_rt=8:00:00,h_data=4G # Email address to notify #$ -M $USER@mail # Notify when #$ -m bea
Here are what they mean:
#$ -cwd Using the current directory for the job
#$ -o joblog.$JOB_ID
Write standard output to file joblog.$JOB_ID. $JOB_ID will be replaced by your job ID which is assigned once you submit your job.
#$ -j y
Merge error log with joblog.$JOB_ID
So you'll be able to find error output together with standard output of your job script in this joblog.$JOB_ID log file.
#$ -pe shared 2
Request 2 processor cores
#$ -l h_rt=8:00:00,h_data=4G
Use -l option to specify job running time length and reserve memory
: reserve 8 hours for your job running timeh_data=4G
: reserve 4G per-core (since -pe 2 is used above, it will reserve 2 core x 4G memory = 8G total memory)
#$ -M $USER@mail
Send notification email to your user email address
#$ -m bea
Specify the timing of the notification email to be sent out:
- b - when the job begins
- e - when the job ends
- a - when the job is aborted (ends in an error state)