Hoffman2:Introduction-Historical Notes

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Historical Notes

Hoffman2 Storage
April 2016

Express Queue removed from Information (No longer in use by Hoffman)

June 2013
Before July 2013, for users that were part of groups that purchased storage, their home directories were the same as their personal group directories. e.g.
did not exist, but
did exist and was the home directory (and personal group directory) for the user jbruin. IDRE changed this behavior after the Summer Maintenance restart in 2013 to better separate users from their groups. This separation more cleanly allows users to be part of multiple storage groups (e.g. belonging to sbook and mscohen groups), or switch between single groups over time, while retaining their own personal space on the cluster. A symlink named project was placed in the new home directories pointing to the old home directories. e.g.
/u/home/j/jbruin/project -> /u/home/mscohen/jbruin
June 2011
Before July 2011, there was a symlink pointing from /u/home9 to /u/home as a legacy support mechanism. This symlink was finally removed after the Summer Maintenance of 2011 and some adjustments had to be made by anyone still using home9 references.


Hoffman2-Pro Status.jpg