Hoffman2:Software Tools: NDATools

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More information of NDATools

NDATools is for downloadig or uploading data to NDA. Here is how to use it in Hoffman

Load modules

module load python/3.6.1_shared
module load ndatools

Generate Temporary Tokens

To access NDA data in AWS S3, you need temporary token generated by your NDA user credential.

generate_token.sh ‘USERID’ ‘PASSWORD’ 'https://nda.nih.gov/DataManager/dataManager'

Replace USERID and PASSWORD with your NDA login ID and password.

Then you'll get something like the following. These keys and token will be used at the next step.

Beginning token request...
Session Token: 
Expiration:    2021-03-04T12:55:00Z

Download Data

Use command downloadcmd to download data

To check the usage of command downloadcmd

downloadcmd -h
optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -dp, --package        Flags to download all S3 files in package.
 -t, --txt             Flags that a text file has been entered from where to
                       download S3 files.
 -ds, --datastructure  Flags that a data structure text file has been entered
                       from where to download S3 files.
 -u <arg>, --username <arg>
                       NDA username
 -p <arg>, --password <arg>
                       NDA password
 -r <arg>, --resume <arg>
                       Flags to restart a download process. If you already
                       have some files downloaded, you must enter the
                       directory where they are saved.
 -d <arg>, --directory <arg>
                       Enter an alternate full directory path where you would
                       like your files to be saved.
 -wt <arg>, --workerThreads <arg>
                       Number of worker threads
 -v, --verbose         Option to print out more detailed messages as the
                       program runs.

To start downloading the package, you'll need the packageID. The packageID can be found in NDA's website after you login and submit your request for data access.

downloadcmd <packageID> -dp -d /u/project/MYGROUP/MYNDADATA_FOLDER

If the download got interrupted and you want to resume the download

downloadcmd <packageID> -dp -d /u/project/MYGROUP/MYNDADATA_FOLDER -r /u/project/MYGROUP/MYNDADATA_FOLDER

Once starting the downloadcmd command, you'll be asked to input the ACCESS KEY, and SESSION TOKEN. Use the information generated from the previous step.