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Singularity is a type of container technology. It is provided in Hoffman2 currently.

How to use Singularity

Interactive mode

In a CentOs 7 Node, load Singularity module as

module load singularity
singularity shell --userns $H2_CONTAINER_LOC/tensorflow-2.4.1-gpu-jupyter.sif

Then run your command inside of the container

python3 tf-example.py > tf-example-batch.out

Batch mode

Add the following line into your batch job script

module load singularity/3.7.1

Use "singularity exec" to run command in Singularity container


singularity exec --userns $H2_CONTAINER_LOC/tensorflow-2.4.1-gpu-jupyter.sif  python3 tf-example.py > tf-example-batch.out