Hoffman2:Scripts:setup subject

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Setup_subject script usage

Setup_subject2 (replaced setup_subject) is used to download data from Dicom server and run NIFTI convert on the subject data. Other options such as mcflirt, bet, melodic, diags or mprage can be specified to run FSL processing and other processing.

Basic Usage:

setup_subject2 [option] basedir subjectID

basedir is where you want the processed data to be stored in your Hoffman account subjectID is the folder name which has your subject Dicom data


--download : This option will download data from Dicom server to you hoffman account

It requires 3 argument, separated by comma(,) (If you have downloaded the data already, this option is not needed)

 1. Hostname - (ccn for ccn Dicom server, bmap for BMC Dicom server). 
 2. Your Dicom server user ID
 3. Path to your data in dicom server( /dicom/data/YOURGROUP/subjectID should be accessable by your Dicom server account)

After NIFTI convert, these options can be used to run FSL mcflirt, bet and melodic also diag, and mprage.

-d (or --do) 
  mcflirt : run mcflirt 
  bet       : run bet
  melodic: run melodic
  diags    : run diagnostics
  mprage: process  anatomical scans

Set SPM compatability



Download data and run NIFTI convert

setup_subject2 --download ccn,dicomuserid,/dicom/data/YOURGROUP/ basedir subjectID

Download data and run NIFTI convert and other FSL processing:

setup_subject2 --download ccn,userid,/dicom/data/YOURGROUP/--spm  -d mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags,mprage  basedir subjectID

Only processing data without download

setup_subject2  -d mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags basedir subjectID
setup_subject2  -d mprage,mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags basedir subjectID
setup_subject2  -d mprage basedir subjectID