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To see the usage of this script
To see the usage of this script
  python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -h
  python3 dcmheader.py -h


Revision as of 22:57, 27 April 2020


To view and edit a Dicom file header information or header of Dicom files under the same subject folder

Setup environment

To use this script, you need to load python module first and export the library location:

module load python/3.6.1_shared
module load ccnscripts
export PYTHONPATH=/u/project/CCN/apps/python_libs/3.6/site-packages/


To see the usage of this script

python3 dcmheader.py -h


Print whole header information

--print (or -p)

Show the full header of a dcm file. This option does not require any argument. However it does not work towards a folder. python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/file -p (or --print )

Example of a part of the output from option --print

(0010, 0010) Patient's Name                      PN: '12345'
(0010, 0020) Patient ID                          LO: 12345
(0010, 0030) Patient's Birth Date                DA: '20000101'
(0010, 0040) Patient's Sex                       CS: 'F'
(0010, 1010) Patient's Age                       AS: '020Y'

(0010, 0010) is the tag for item “Patient's Name”, you'll need this information for using -c (--check) and -u (--update) options.

View specific header items

--check (or -c)

View specific header items in a dcm file or the same items in all files inside the subject folder. You will need to specify the header tag as the argument in format as "(code1, code2)", however the parentheses are not required. Be aware that double quotation "" is needed. Multiple tags can be specified as the following example


View a single header item:

python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/file -c "(0010, 0010)"

View a single header item in all files under a subject folder by specifying the folder instead of a file:

python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/ -c "(0010, 0010)"

View multiple header items in a single file:

python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/file -c  "(0010, 0010) (0010, 0020)"

View multiple header items in all files under one subject folder:

python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/ -c  "(0010, 0010) (0010, 0020)"

Update specific header items

--update (or -u)

Updating specific header items by specifying the tag and new value in format as "tag=new_value"


Update a single item (in this example, change the Patient's Name value to 12345_1):

python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/file -u "(0010, 0010)=12345_1"

Update the same item for each file under the same subject folder

python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/ -u "(0010, 0010)=12345_1"

Update multiple items (separate the multiple items by space) (in this example, change both of the Patient's Name and Patient ID values to 12345_1): python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/file -u "(0010, 0010)=12345_1 (0010, 0020)=12345_1"

Update multiple items for the whole subject folder: python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/ -u "(0010, 0010)=12345_1 (0010, 0020)=12345_1"

Show more logs of update process

--verbose (or -v)

Use this only with --update option --update option will only output the converted file names after each update. However with -v option, it can shows the updated result of each updated item.


python3 /u/project/CCN/apps/scripts/dcmheader.py -f /path/to/my/dicom/subject/file -u "(0010, 0010)=12345_1" -v