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Use Jupyter Notebook/Lab

Connecting to Hoffman2

Download h2jupynb from [1] to your local drive

Make it excutable

chmod u+x h2jupynb

From your laptop, run (Using Python 3.7)

./h2jupynb -u userid -v 3.7.3 -t 2 -m 8 -p 9394

(You'll find more details here)

./h2jupynb -u userid -t 2 -m 8 -p 9394

Without specifying the version, it will use the default Python version chosen by the script, currently 3.9.6.

Install on Local Device

Install to your laptop using Anaconda:

Jupyter Official Website

  1. Download Anaconda version 3.7
  2. Install it to your laptop as a regular application
  3. then run "jupyter notebook" from the terminal

GPU Access

To access GPU resources on Hoffman, add the virtual env to ipykernel for the very first time:

qrsh -l gpu,P4
module load python/anaconda3
conda activate pytorch-1.3.1-gpu
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=pytorch-1.3.1-gpu

Using h2jupynb:

./h2jupynb -v anaconda3 -g yes -c P4 -l 10.0