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To run the WEKA GUI from Hoffman2

  1. Make sure that you enabled X11 forwarding by including the -Y flag in your SSH command:
     $ ssh -Y joebruin@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu 
  2. Request an interactive node to run on with the following command:
     $ qrsh -l i 
  3. Wait for the new node to appear. Your prompt will change from:
     [joebruin@login4 ~] $ 

    to something like

     [joebruin@n1234 ~] $ 
  4. Run the command:
     $ java -jar /u/home/FMRI/apps/weka/current/weka.jar 

    And the current version of WEKA should start up and the GUI will appear.

Command Line

Calling any of the usual WEKA command line tools will work in submitted jobs so long as you properly reference the WEKA jar file at:


A sample command would be

$ java -Xmx2g -cp /u/home/FMRI/apps/weka/current/weka.jar weka.classifiers.functions.SMO -o -T awesome_train_file.arff -t awesome_test_file.arff


calls for 2GB of memory
-Xmx256m calls for 256MB of memory
suppresses the model output
-T awesome_train_file.arff
specifies the training file
-t awesome_test_file.arff
is an optional testing file for the model
if this option is not provided, 10 fold cross validation will be done

Massive Online Analysis (MOA)


To run the MOA GUI from Hoffman2

  1. Make sure that you enabled X11 forwarding by including the -Y flag in your SSH command:
     $ ssh -Y joebruin@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu 
  2. Request an interactive node to run on with the following command:
     $ qrsh -l i 
  3. Wait for the new node to appear. Your prompt will change from:
     [joebruin@login4 ~] $ 

    to something like

     [joebruin@n1234 ~] $ 
  4. Run the command:
     $ moa.sh 

    And the current version of MOA should start up and the GUI will appear.

Command Line

Calling any of the usual MOA command line tools will work in submitted jobs so long as you properly reference the MOA jar file at:


A sample command would be

$ java -Xmx4g -cp /u/home/FMRI/apps/moa/current/moa.jar -javaagent:sizeofag.jar moa.DoTask "EvaluatePrequential -l HoeffdingTree -i 1000000 -w 10000" 


calls for 4GB of memory
-Xmx256m calls for 256MB of memory
EvaluatePrequential -l HoeffdingTree -i 1000000 -w 10000
is the MOA command to execute