This page is a resource for FUNC users.
Anyone new to the lab and using FUNC NEEDS to read the first section to have adequate working knowledge of the system.
Getting Started
FUNC is a Computing Cluster at UCLA, dedicated to storage and analysis of neuroimaging data. FUNC is located on the 2nd floor of Franz Hall behind the undergrad computing lounge. The key for FUNC is numbered 8337, you can get one from the main office.
Getting an Account
To get an account you should contact Mark Strohm making sure you include your affiliation and the lab/group you are in, and cc-ing your mentor/supervisor. (Note that accounts on the FUNC are currently restricted to UCLA personnel and collaborators.)
Accessing the Cluster
How to get on the FUNC (once you have a username/password).
Working in a UNIX Environment
Never heard of a command line before? Vaguely know what "permissions" are and have no idea how to navigate a filesystem? This page is meant to take the scare out of the words "command line" so you can actually use Hoffman2, because no matter how many GUIs there are, command line is king.
Data Transfer
Getting data on the FUNC
Importing data from the Staglin CCN (DICOMSERVER)
Importing data from the Brain Mapping Center (BMC)
How to use MATLAB on the cluster. It is easier than you think. (Well, maybe...)
NeuroImaging (MR) Analysis Software Packages
Maybe FSL isn't your cup of tea for neuroimaging work. SPM is a capable alternative and, even though it is MATLAB based, it has a compiled version that will let you leverage the power of the cluster.
Maybe FSL isn't your cup of tea for neuroimaging work. SPM is a capable alternative and, even though it is MATLAB based, it has a compiled version that will let you leverage the power of the cluster.
FSL is a comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging data.
Full List of Software
Here you can find a list on what software is available on the FUNC (and sometimes some details on usage).
How about streamlining some of those tasks, or getting more things done.
Scripts and pipelines available on the FUNC