Hoffman2:Using Globus

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Local to Cluster

How to transfer files between the Hoffman2 Cluster and your local computer

  1. If you want to transfer files to or from your local desktop machine, start Globus Connect (Windows: gc.exe, Mac: Applications/Globus) on your local machine. A small status window will appear. When the connection has been made, the dot at the left of the connection will turn green. (MAKE SURE THE KEY IS ADDED (Instructions Here.)
  2. Point your browser at http://www.globus.org, click Sign In, and click Transfer Files. A web page with two Endpoint fields will display.
  3. In one Endpoint field, pull down the expand menu and select a site. If you are running Globus Connect, the first name in the list is your local desktop machine. When you select your local desktop machine, a list of your home directory files and directories will be displayed.
  4. In the other Endpoint field, either pull down the expand menu and select hoffman2#ucla, or type in hoffman2#ucla.
  5. When you select hoffman2#ucla a popup window will ask you for your myproxy server username and passphrase. Enter your Hoffman2 username and its password. Leave the Server DN field as it is. The default Lifetime value is 12 hours. If you are transferring a large amount of data, you may need to increase the Lifetime value. Click the Authenticate button.
  6. Your Hoffman2 Cluster home directory and its contents will display.
  7. To transfer files between endpoints, select a file or directory from each list, then click one of the large arrow buttons to tell Globus the desired direction of the transfer.

You will receive an automatic email from Globus Notification (notify@globus.org) when the file transfer has completed. To have Globus show you the status and history of your file transfers, from its Go To pull-down menu, select View Transfers.

Cluster to CASS

How to transfer files between the Hoffman2 Cluster and your Cloud Archival Storage Service

  1. Point your browser to http://www.globus.org and sign in.
  2. On the top right, Click on the Quick Links -> Transfer Files
  3. In one Endpoint field, pull down the expand menu and select a site. If you are running Globus Connect, the first name in the list is your local desktop machine. When you select your local desktop machine, a list of your home directory files and directories will be displayed.
  4. In the other Endpoint field, either pull down the expand menu and select hoffman2#ucla, or type in hoffman2#ucla.