Hoffman2:Scripts:setup subject 3

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Setup_subject script usage

Setup_subject_3 is built on top of setup_subject_2. The major goal is to apply BIDs format on the data structure. Besides of using BIDs structure, it added other useful features as well.

Setup_subject_3 has all the functions which exist in setup_subject_2 and works the same way with the same options as setup_subject_2.

Basic Usage:

setup_subject_3 [option] basedir subjectID

basedir is where you want the processed data to be stored in your Hoffman account,

subjectID is the subject folder name which has your subject Dicom data


--download hostname,userid,path

download data from Dicom server to you hoffman account It requires 3 argument, separated by comma(,) (If you have downloaded the data already, this option is not needed)

 1. hostname - (ccn for ccn Dicom server, bmap for BMC Dicom server). 
 2. userid: Your Dicom server user ID
 3. path: path to your data in dicom server

-d (or --do) : this option to specify the processing you want to add

After NIFTI convert, these options can be used to run FSL mcflirt, bet and melodic also diag, and mprage.

  mcflirt : run mcflirt 
  bet : run bet
  melodic : run melodic
  diags : run diagnostics
  mprage : process  anatomical scans
  sge: submit the job in batch mode

(Using option diags requires mcflirt, bet and melodic to be processed first)

-s (or --skip) 

this option to specify the processing you want to skip

  mcflirt : run mcflirt 
  bet : run bet
  melodic : run melodic
  diags : run diagnostics
  mprage : process  anatomical scans
  sge: not using batch mode, which means you need to start interactive mode first before running setup_subject_* command

Set SPM compatability


Bids format: specify using bids structure to group result files. However this option often being used with --config option to choose configuration file. Without configuration file, the name conversion might not be correct under BIDs format rule.

--config filename

Specifying the bids naming configuration file path and name. Users should generate this file based on their data and Bids formatting rule. However there are sample files.

--sessdir ses-NN

Specify session directory name. This is for Bids format mode and when the data has multiple sessions. When you want the results all go into a session directory named ses-NN (NN represents session number, e.g. 02)


No compression of dicom/ folder. Normally raw dicom data will be compressed into dicom*.tar.gz at the end of NiFTI convert. With this option, it will not compress. This option is good when you know you want to run the setup_subject_3 script again and want to save time on compression and decompression of the data. You should run without this option on the last run so it will save the disk usage.


Load the script module first:

module load ccnscripts

Download data and run NIFTI convert

setup_subject_3 --download ccn,dicomuserid,/dicom/data/YOURGROUP/ basedir subjectID

( /dicom/data/YOURGROUP/subjectID should be where the raw data is located and accessable by your Dicom server user account)

Download data and run NIFTI convert and other FSL processing:

setup_subject_3 --download ccn,userid,/dicom/data/YOURGROUP/ -d mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags,mprage --spm basedir subjectID

Process data only without download

setup_subject_3 -d mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags basedir subjectID
setup_subject_3 -d mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags,mprage basedir subjectID
setup_subject_3 -d mprage basedir subjectID

Skip mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags

 setup_subject_3 -s mcflirt,bet,melodic,diags basedir subjectID


Log File: provides useful details about what commands were run, their output and the script's status. It's located at
