
From Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
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Reserving the EEG Suite

There is a Google Calendar for reserving the Staglin EEG Suite.

Request access to this calendar by emailing Agatha ( When you are ready to take EEG data, make a reservation on this calendar ahead of time.

EEG Collection Setup

Testing Setup

This is an outline of a basic testing setup to do an audio and visual EEG setup in the EEG suite:

If you are working on a current project, please follow the protocol regarding your project by going to the project page:

Elecrode Digitization

If you care to use the 3D Structure Sensor to record the electrode placement on your subject. This is useful for source localization.

EEG Net Prep and Application

EGI has some how-to's on this, and we recommend you read the manuals (located in the cabinet above the table in the EEG collection room). But we've got a step-by-step here for you.

Collect Data

Starting Net Station

Once the net has been placed on your subject, follow these steps to properly start up Net Station.

Checking Impedance

You need to check the impedance of the electrodes and fix any that are too high or else your data collection will not be ideal.

Data Storage

Where to save your data so you are a responsible user and can find it in the future.

Exporting Data

After data collection, many decide to export their data onto the Hoffman2 server; however, NetStation files are cumbersome to work with because of their size and format. Therefore, here are some data export instructions to convert and export files in your desired format:

Feedback Form

For quality control, we devised a feedback form that we ask researchers to fill out each time they collect data in the Staglin EEG Suite. Access to the form is located on the desktop of the Netstation computer, labeled steps 1 and 2:

1. Step 1 - logs you onto the Internet and pulls up the EEG Feedback Form
2. Step 2 - disconnects Internet. NOTE: This is important to do so the next tester will not be connected to the Internet while testing. Internet connection can disrupt recording

The identification names of each net can be found on the plug.

Clean Up

Net Disinfection

After each use, rinse out and disinfect the net by following this step-by-step process.

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